måndag 6 april 2015

Freaky Fashion

As I told you I am studying so we don't have a uniform, but you need to dress formel other ways you will get many eyes on you and not in the good way. It is sounding kind of shallow, and I guess it is. But you don't need to look beautiful just take care of yourself, like have clean clothes, brushed hair and stuff like that. I always wear pants, most days jeans and a shirt with a nice jacket over. I dress pretty simple but with scarves, rings and some cool hairstyle to make it a little bit more fun.
When I am at home or just hanging out am I usually in my workout clothes because they are so comfortable.

onsdag 18 mars 2015

My survey - Rings

I often have rings on my fingers as an accessory, you're work with your hands very much so others can see your accessory when you have them on. You can choose small rings in silver or gold witch just gives a little touch, wedding rings usually looks like that. But if you want to spice it up a little bit you can have uniq and more rings like on the first joint. Most of the time I have three of four on, all in silver because my other accessories, like my neckless and my earrings are also in silver.

I found it at:

fredag 13 mars 2015

Friends and freetime

As I mentioned in my previous post I live with my two best friends, so we spend a lot of our time together. We're usually working out or studying on a daily basses so we can be free on weekends, then we can go to partys or go shopping. I shop. A lot. But not the girly girly stuff, not pink, dresses or skirts. More sneakers, jackets and T-shirts.

As work out I go to the gym or boxing. It's just Bella and I who are boxing, it is two hours pas three days a week and the other days we are at the gym. They have it inside as well as outside and a big running track, so if it's not to hot we often work out outside. Sadly we're almost never swimming in the sea although we live in California, but I love to just sit and look out or read a book wile I listen to the waves crashing against the cliffs. 
Last weekend we got a spontaneous idea to bicycle out to the woods and go hiking 10 miles and bike back. We are often coming up with ideas like that, and just do it. It's fun when you're not planing and see how it goes, it gives a little kick-ich. 

torsdag 5 mars 2015

Me and my family

Hello guys!
My first post on the blog, so I'm gonna tell you a little about me and my family. I am 20 years old and have just moved out from my parents house and am now living in an apartment in California with my two best friends, Bella and Lavana. Bella is twenty as well as me, Lavana is only nineteen but very clever. All three of us are studying to become lawyers at Stanford University. I'm so happy I came in there, I have dreamed about it since I was a little kid. But not everything is about school of course, we work out a lot too. According to me the greatest thing in the world is when you have loud music in your headphones and the sun is on it's way down so it's stil warm but not superhot and you are running on the beach along the sea. Or without headphones early in the morning so almost no one is up yet. Perfect.
       Okey over to my family. Besides me are we four, mom, dad, my big sister Emma and my big brother Erik. They are still living in Sweden but come to visit every now and then. My sister and I are very close and love to hang out, we are often with her friends. She is a photographer but is studying at the same time. My mom and dad still lives in our childhood home so it's nice to come home, although I live in a paradise.

That have to be all for tonight, goodnight!
